Every particular architecture has a certain style, pattern and traditional elements into it apart from religious presentation if any. Islamic architectures in the world showcase wide range of styles in all their monuments built in different eras. When we talk about architectures in Central Asia, it has been influenced by many traditions including Islamic architecture, Russian architecture, Persian architecture and Chinese architecture. In this article though we are talking about classical Islamic architectures in Central Asia. The principal Islamic architectural types are: the Mosque, the Tomb, the Palace and the Fort. From these four types, the vocabulary of Islamic architecture is derived and used for other buildings such as public baths, fountains and domestic architecture. Here we are listing some Islamic Architectures located in different parts of Central Asia.
1. The Mausoleum of khoja Ahmed YasawiThe Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is an unfinished architecture in the city of Turkestan in Kazakhstan. This was built between 1389 and 1405. In this unfinished building, experiment was done by builders with structural and architectural solutions. This building has survived till date and is one of the largest and best preserved constructions of Timurid period.
2. Nur- Astana MosqueNur Astana Mosque is in Astana city, the capital of Kazakhstan. This is the second largest mosque in Kazakhstan and in Central Asia after Hazrat Sultan Mosque. The 40-meter height symbolizes the age of the Prophet Muhammad of when he received the revelations, and the height of the minarets are 63 meters , the age Muhammad was when he died.
3. Registan SquareRegistan is a presentation of Timurid period in Uzbekistan. Registan was the heart of ancient Samarkand of Timurid dynasty, now in Uzbekistan. In Persian the meaning of Registan is desert. or sandy place. Registan square along with other buildings of Timurid period were the result of coming together of craftsmen and builders from across the empire in the late 14th century. Samarkand city is said to be alive with people from different lands, it had wonderful Islamic architectures and it was a great learning center. Registan Square represents all three aspects of Samarkand.
4. Itchan KalaItchan Kala is inner town of Khiva, Uzbekistan. This old town is well preserved example of Islamic architecture in Central Asia. This old town has retained more than 50 historic monuments from 18th and 19th centuries. There are quite a few wonderful structures like Djuma Mosque, the mausoleums and the madrasas and the two magnificent palaces built at the beginning of the 19th century by Alla-Kulli-Khan.
5. Kalta Minor MinaretThis unfinished monument is in Khiva, Uzbekistan. Ancient Khiva can't be imagined without this monument. Minaret has become an iconic symbol of Khiva because of its marvellous blue and green tiles work. The construction of the Minaret was stopped in 1855 after the death of then Khiva ruler. So the Minaret could not get completed and its height is said to be only one third of its projected height. Also it had to be narrow at the top but it remained unfinished till date making it Kalta Minor Minaret meaning "Short Minaret".
6. Bibi-Heybat MosqueBibi-Heybat Mosque is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is also known as Mosque of Fatima. This is one of the prominent Islamic architecture. Today it is considered as spiritual place for Muslims. The current structure of the mosque was built in 1990s which is a recreation of the mosque with the same name which was built in 13th century.
7. The Samanids MausoleumAnother beautiful piece of Islamic architecture located in Bukhara. This is the monument of 9th to 10th centuries. This is a cubical construction with hemispherical dome. This mausoleum is one of the esteemed sights of Central Asia and it was built as the resting place of Ismail Samani - a powerful and influential amir of the Samanid dynasty.
8. Palace of the ShirvanshahsPalace of the Shirvanshahs is the biggest monument in Baku, Azerbaijan. The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaulst, the shah's mosque with a minaret, Seyid Yahya Bakuvi's mausoleum, a portal in the east - Murad's gate, a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house.

These are not only representation of wonderful Islamic architectures in central Asia but also are major tourist attractions today of old times.