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About Armenia

About Country Cheat Sheet

Formal Name: Republic of Armenia
Location of Armenia: Western Asia
Capital: Yerevan
Demonym: Armenians
Area: 29743Sq Km
Population: 2,963,900
Ethnic Groups: Armenian, Yazidi, Russian, Other
Languages: Armenian
Religion: Armenian Apostolic Church, Other Christianity, Yazidism, Other, Non-religious
Currency: Dram (AMD, ֏)
Best Time To Visit: May-Jun
Calling Code: 374
Drives On: Right
Visa on Arrival: No
Major Cities: Armavir, Garni, Yerevan
Administrative and Territorial Structure:

10 regions (marzes) - Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir,
Gegharkunik,Kotayk, Lori, Shirak, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Tavush. The capital city,Yerevan,  is a separate administrative unit

Land Boundaries:

Total: 1,570 km, Border Countries (4): Azerbaijan 996 km, Georgia 219 km, Iran 44 km, Turkey 311 km

Geography of Armenia

Armenia is country in southern Transcaucasia region. Armenia is one of the world’s oldest civilizations and a landlocked country located between two seas namely Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Armenia shares borders with Georgia on north, Iran on south, Azerbaijan on east and Turkey on west. Armenia is smallest country of all the former Soviet Republics. Present Armenia as we know today is only a fraction of ancient Armenia. Armenia Geography is such that country is majorly mountains. This is land of rugged mountains and extinct volcanoes. Yerevan is the capital city of Armenia.

Armenia Nature is known as land of rocks. This is because Armenia is a very mountainous country almost fully covered by the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The highest point in Armenia is Mt. Aragats sitting at the height of 4,090m. From these mountains rivers flow fast down forming at least 3% the valleys of the Araks and Debet rivers. Lake Sevan is the most popular and largest lake in Armenia. This mountain lake sits 2,000 m above sea level.

Climate and Weather in Armenia

Armenia Climate is highland continental. This means Armenia is pleasant to hot in summers and cold to snowy in winters. But Armenia is generally called as sunny country. Climate in Armenia is influenced largely by the fact that majority of the country is at an elevation of minimum 2000 m. Four seasons are observed in Armenia. The summer is generally pleasant when temperature goes up to 25°C. However temperature can go up to 40°C in Ararat Valley. Similarly winters are cold and temperature can fall up to -5°C in Yerevan. Ararat valley can be colder up to - 30°C.

Armenia Weather is generally good during a year. Country has four seasons namely summer, winter, spring and autumn. Depending on height precipitation in Armenia is different in different region. Average precipitation in Armenia is 200-800 mm. Best time to visit Armenia is autumn and mid-spring. Springs are for a short period, while falls are long. During the fall country is known for mild and sunny weather making it best time to be here.

History of Armenia

Armenia History dates back to thousands of years. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Armenia was also the first country in the world to embrace Christianity in 301 as a religion. What is today’s Armenia is only half of ancient Armenia. From the Bronze Age up to 1000 BC several states flourished in the region of Greater Armenia.  They included Hittite Empire, Mitanni and Hayasa Azzi. People of Armenia from 1000 BC to 600 BC were under the Uratau Kingdom. And after that Armenia was under foreign forces constantly which made Armenians cosmopolitan as well as protector of their own culture and traditions.

Several outside forces attacked and ruled Armenia throughout history of Armenia. The country was conquered and ruled by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Mongols, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and Russians. Under Ottoman Turks Armenians are said to suffer the most. There is history of Armenian genocide as well in the early 20th century inflicted on them by Ottoman Turkey government. After that, much of Eastern Armenia regained independence in 1918, when the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia took place. Finally Armenia became the Republic of Armenia in 1991 after collapse of Soviet Union.

Culture and Traditions in Armenia

Armenia has a rich history and thus a very rich culture. Armenia Culture is influenced very much by the fact that several rulers had control over the land throughout its evolution. This is what you can observe in Armenian culture which is based on geography, literature, architecture, dance and music of people. Language of Armenia dates back to over 5000 years ago. However influence of trade and conquest changed the language over a period of time. Christianity is the religion that was first adopted in Armenia on this planet. Music, dance and literature have been integral part of the country. Literature in Armenia is said to begin around 401 AD when Armenian Alphabet was created. If you want to taste the rich art of Armenia then you should visit National Art gallery in Yerevan where over 15, 000 works dating back to middle ages can be observed which are indicative of rich stories of Armenia of that time.

Armenia Traditions are also interesting. Armenians are generally quiet people and they welcome visitors with warmth. Family and friendship both have very important place in Armenian tradition. Art and craft work of Armenian people are also worth exploring. They are very popular for carpet weaving and lace making. Historically women were always ahead in carpet weaving I the country but in some cases entire family participated in this.

Food and Cuisine in Armenia

Armenian Cuisine is as old as the history of the country. Cuisine was influenced by geographical land where Armenians lived as well as outside effect. Foods here have always been known for different tastes, aromas and quite a distinct smell. Cuisine of the country is closely related to eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. Different types of spices, vegetables, fish, and fruits very important elements and they are used to cook unique dishes here. Armenia is very much known for its wine and brandy also. Armenian cognac is renowned world over and it has won several awards as well.

The apricot is the national fruit of Armenia. Apricot was known as Prunus Armeniaca since Roman time which literally means "Armenian Plum". Lavash is very important part of Uzbek food. It is traditional bread expressing the culture of the land. Lavash has been included in UNESCO representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Uzbekistan food also comprises of a unique soup known as Khash. The dish was initially called Khashoy which was mentioned by many medieval Armenian authors. The pomegranate has a symbolic association with fertility in Armenia. So, one can experience several traditional as well modern food and beverages as part of Armenian cuisine in current times.
Languages of Armenia

Even though Armenian is the official and business language, yet majority of the population speak Russian in Armenia.
Interesting Facts About Armenia:

1. Armenia is the first country, that recognized Christianity as a national religion in 301.
2. The population in Armenia is approximately 3 mln., while there are about 10-11 mln. Armenians in the world.
3. Armenia is the first country that suffered because of Genocide by Turkey in 1915 (murdered about 1.5 mln. Armenians). Armenians celebrate their Genocide in each year's April 24th.
4. Armenia has 4 neighbours, 2 of them are enemies of Armenia - Turkey and Azerbaijan. Both countries keep Armenia under economic blockade.
5. There is Russian military base in Armenian second big city Gyumri which accomplishes Anti-Missile Defense.
6. Turkey doesn't recognize Armenian Genocide already 100 years and it complicates relations between Yerevan and Ankara.
7. Armenian language is the continuation of Aramean language which Jesus was speaking.
8. Chess is a compulsory subject in schools.
9. The first church in the world was built in Armenia.
10. Armenia is one of the only mono ethnic countries in the world. 97% of the people living in Armenia are Armenians and the remaining small percentage is made up of different ethnic minorities such as the Yazidis, Russians, Ukranians, Kurds, and more.
11. Armenia is home to the world’s longest non-stop double track cable car. The cable car runs for a total of 5,752 meters, or 18,871 feet. It was opened on October 16, 2010 and was put in the record books for its length, and hasn’t been beaten yet.
12. Noah’s Ark is believed to be embedded in this country.
13. Churchill had a snag for Armenia cognac.
14. It's estimated to have 530 bird species.
15. Its bread is listed as UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014.
16. It has 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
17. When you say "merci" in Armenia, you mean Thank you!
18. Yerevan has a deep, Soviet-style metro underneath it. At many of the metro stops are large underground shopping markets. You can buy $10 Nikes and Louis Vuittons here. Authenticity card not included.
19. The entire country worships Mt Ararat which is also the national symbol of Armenia. Mt Ararat protected Armenia from a super strong earthquake! They also believe that the peak of Mt Ararat was where Noah’s ark was found.


Armenia Tourism

Armenia is considered to be the safest country in the world for families and solo travellers alike. The level of crime is very low which makes the country a famous tourist destination. It allows visitors to enjoy their time without any fear for their safety. It’s a free country where the streets are full of couples, family and many tourists from all over the world at all time. Armenia offers a number of historical and cultural places for visitors to discover. Armenia tourism is growing with the years and many small cosy cities such as Djermuk, Tsakhkadzor and Dilijan are improving their infrastructure too.

Yerevan Tourism

Yerevan is the capital city of Armenia and one of the ancient cities in the world. Due to its rich historical and cultural heritage, there are numerous monuments, museums, and churches found in the city. The city attracts many visitors due to its high cultural, spiritual and scientific influence in the country. Tourism in the city is expanding in time with the geography of tourism and strengthening its position to be the best travel destination in the world. The avenue is dominated by Greek manuscripts, library and many others.

Different Types of Tourism in Armenia

1. Historical Tourism in Armenia

Armenia has had many twists and turns in regards to its history, and it’s been invaded by many rulers. The country was plundered and destroyed by the Nomadic tribe who invaded whatever they saw. The people of Armenia had to protect themselves which led to the building many fortresses to use it as a defence mechanism. Amberd is one fortress which was used at that time which was then invaded by the Turks who turn it into a military base. Like this fortress, there are many historical buildings in Armenia.

2. Cultural Tourism in Armenia

The culture of Armenia is diverse, old and amazing. The country is gifted with many cultures of monuments, architectural buildings, etc. Most of them are listed on UNESCO World Heritage. The cultural tourism of Armenia will teach visitors to learn many customs and traditions of the country. Some of its cultural spots are Tatev Monastery, Echmiadzin, Lake Sevan, Jermuk, Selim Pass, Karahunj and many others.

3. Nature and Wildlife Tourism in Armenia

Armenia is at a great height in level with the geographical latitudes of Italy, Spain and Greece. The country is surrounded by the mountain ranges of the Lesser Caucasus which makes it rich in nature and wildlife. The country offers a visitor to see its lush forest, mountains, lakes and its national parks which are in abundant. There are many attractions to see and explore Armenia’s nature and wildlife such as Parz Lake, Dilijan National Park, Dendropark, Lake Sevan, Mount Aragats, Yerevan Botanical Garden, Yerevan Zoo and many others.

4. Sports and Adventure Tourism in Armenia

Due to the mountainous region of the country, it’s favourable for many adventure activities. In Armenia, you can find almost everything from mountains, forests, lakes, rivers and gorges which are good for adventure. Many tourists visit the country to plunge into the unforgettable adventure experience such as mountaineering, ski sports, paragliding, rock climbing, snowboarding, trekking and lots more adventures.

5. Honeymoon Tourism in Armenia

Armenia is surprising full of romantic places and it’s a great honeymoon destination. It has a number of beautiful and stunning scenic natures that is best suitable for couples. You can go swimming and sailing in Lake Sevan and capture the charming moments with your loved ones. You can even take a boat ride and see the beauty of the lake. If you want something adventurous, fly on the longest ropeway in Tatev.

6. MICE Tourism in Armenia

Armenia is not only a great place for leisure, but it’s also good for Business tourism. Along with its natural scenery, a country is a suitable place for holding business meeting and conventions. Armenia is rapidly growing as an M.IC.E destination combine with the hospitality and culture of the country, it offers world-class destinations for individual and business group travellers. It has chains with international hotels such as Radisson, Marriot, Hyatt, Western etc.
7. Health and Wellness Tourism in Armenia

Armenia is filled many streams and rivers which makes it a popular destination for health tourism. There are many healing resorts in the forests in Dilijan, Jermuk, and Tsaghkadzor etc. With many spa resorts and unforgettable landscapes of Armenia, the place has attracted tourists to regain physical and spiritual health here. It a place to recover all the health benefits from the country’s spring waters.

8. Culinary Tourism in Armenia

The food and cuisine in Armenia is delicious food where there are many tasty dishes which are rich in its cuisine. In every part of the country, there are always some special dishes which are frequently cooked in homes taken from the old recipes of their grandmothers. Some of the most popular dishes of Armenia are Basturma, Khoravat, and Kashlama. Kashlama, Lavash, Fish Kebab, Craw Fish Kebab, Dolma etc.

9. Nightlife Tourism in Armenia

Nightlife is fun and big in Yerevan, the capital city of the country as it is filled with young life. The city has many bars, clubs, pubs and crazy parties. Most of these places are usually full during night hours and plays all kinds of music with many genres. People here enjoy and have fun while partying and dance away with joy and happiness. It’s a fun country filled with fun people, and nightlife is always better here.

10. Winter Tourism in Armenia

Winter in Armenia will give unforgettable memories that will stay with you forever. Armenia will give you an experience of being in Asia and Europe in the winters as its winter sights are captivating. During winter time, you will see a different sight of Armenia and the winter season exposes some other Armenia. Mostly during winter time, people come here and enjoy such as skiing, the healing waters of Jermuk, Christmas markets, shopping, Winter Park and many others.

Travel Guide

Armenia Tour and Travel Guide

Armenia was a former Soviet nation that has a rich historical and cultural heritage. Every year, there are an increasing number of visitors who comes to explore Armenia and immersed themselves in the learning about the colourful old century’s customs and traditions of the country. Its history has left many historical monuments, architecture, fortress etc of which today stands out from most of the countries in the world. Apart from its rich culture and history, the country is well admired for its scenic beauty which is in the form of mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, national parks etc. The people of Armenia are also very warm and hospitable people who welcome their guest with open hearts.

Yerevan Tour and Travel Guide

Yerevan is the capital city of Armenia with stunning natural beauty. The city also has some interesting mountains and being one of the world’s oldest inhabitant’s cities, it has much to offer history and archaeology buff with many interesting sites to explore and discover. It has a lot to tell about its history and over the past decade, it has greatly developed in a beautiful city resulting in more cafes, restaurants, shops and hotels.

1. Penny Wise Armenia


Price in AMD

Price in Dollars ($)

 Meal for 2, in mid range Restaurant, Three-course

AMD 10000


 Combo Meal at McDonalds or Similar

AMD 2040


 Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught)

AMD 385

$ .96

 Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle)

AMD 540


 Cappuccino (regular)

AMD 775


 Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle)

AMD 285


 Water (1.5 liter bottle)

AMD 265


 Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range)

AMD 1960


 Pack of Cigarettes (Marlboro)

AMD 600


 Taxi Start (Normal Tariff)

AMD 600


 Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff)

AMD 100


 Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff)

AMD 1000


* Prices are our approximation and may vary slightly.
* Prices are market prices of articles and may vary at restaurants and hotels.

2. Accommodation in Armenia

Armenia has accommodations of every kind, from the top-rated hotels, mid-range hotels to simple hostels. You can find good deals on a budget-friendly hotel which are in good condition and services. The hotels that are in and around the country are suitable for both young and old backpackers.

3. Travelling in Armenia

It's easy to travel in and around Armenia as transportation is accessible. There are many modes of transportation such as minivan, buses and metros available in the city. Getting in and around the city is easy, but going to the countryside can be difficult. Though there are many buses available that will drive you to the different routes of the country.

4. Shopping in Armenia

Armenia offers many great shopping places for travellers who want to buy a traditional item or branded items. The main hub for shopping in Armenia is in its capital city, Yerevan where you can shop for items of every kind, big or small whether its food, souvenirs, carpets, art pieces etc.

5. Best time to Visit Armenia

Armenia has hot summers with very dry and cold winters. The best time to visit the country is during the months of May and June when the summer heat is down. And, if you love a nice cold breeze, September and October are also the best time to travel when the autumn colours come in and it's the time when Armenia is in its beauty.
6. Armenia Travel Tips

Road signs in Armenia are in English.
Armenia has a lot of dishes which are meat based.
It is safe to drink tap water.
It's one of the oldest wine producing countries in the world.
Many tap fountains are found along the way to mountain areas.
The currency is Dram.
Accommodation is available at an average of 15 dollars per person per day.
Armenia is a very safe country.
Buses and shared taxis are cheap.
The borders with Turkey are closed.

7. Armenia Flight Connections (Flight to Yerevan)

Zvartnots International Airport is the main airport of Armenia. There are direct and indirect flights from many countries. The flight also flies from India with its main carrier, Air Arabia.

Destination: Yerevan - Armenia
Pickup & Drop: Delhi International Airport
Mode of Travel (Flight Details): Fixed Departure for Yerevan

Yerevan Flight Connections:

• Air Arabia have flights via Sharjah from Delhi.
• Fly Dubai has flights to Yerevan via Dubai from 8 ports in India.


• Air Arabia have connecting flights to Yerevan four days a week.
• Fly Dubai has daily flights from 8 ports.

8. Armenia Tour FAQs

If you have any query about Armenia Tourism, Tourist Destinations, Attractions, Visa Process, and other tour related information then visit Frequently Asked Questions of Armenia.

Visa Information

Armenia Visa Information:

Armenian visa process takes 15 working days.

Documents Required:

• Original Passport
• 2 Pics with White Background
• Covering Letter Or Letter Head

Know more about Armenia Tourist Visa!