Andriyivskyy Descent, Kyiv (Ukraine)
This is one of the major tourist attractions in Kiev also advertised by travel operators as “Montmartre” of Kiev, Ukraine. Andriyivskyy Descent is a historical and one of the best known streets in Kiev. The descent is 720 meters in length. The descent begins on the summit of Starokyivska Hora near St. Andrews church and continues on down and goes down steeply around Zamkova Hora hill which ends near the Kontraktova Square in Podli. In early times the descent was known as Borychiv Descent and during 18-19th centuries it was inhabited mainly by merchants and crafts people. Today the descent street thrives because it has several historical monuments, buzzing gift shops, small art galleries which showcase paintings and sculptures by Ukrainian artists and so offers the travelers good time to spend here. That is why the Andriyivskyy Descent is one of the favorite spots in Kiev for tourists.